Empowering Women Executive Leaders to thrive in fast-paced environments
we offer 3 services
and 2 specialty topics
A little about me…
Anna Minto
Executive Advisor: Coach, Collaborator & Speaker

My 50-ish year journey has brought me along many paths.
- I’m a global citizen who has traveled around the world and hold 3 citizenships.
- A Harvard Business School MBA at age 25.
- 20 years in Partnership positions at The Boston Consulting Group and Heidrick & Struggles Consulting.
- Founder and Leader of Transformational Change, founded 12 years ago – to “Unleash and Embed the Power of People,” in collaboration with pedigree clients.
- Founder and Leader of You Are Possible – “Empowering women executive leaders to thrive in fast-paced environments.”
- Certified “Train the Trainer” of Infinite PossibilitiesTM Certified Coach, Inner Life Skills Enneagram (ICF)
- Along the way, I have juggled career, family (3 amazing successfully launched adult children), volunteering, marriage, divorce, birth, death, health scares and so much more.